Electrician Joe Scarborough maintains that footprints found near his home are neither human nor animal. The footprints were discovered near the small northern Cleveland County town of Casar. “[The print] was 13,14 inches, and so…
Read More North Carolina man discovers ‘Bigfoot’ tracksTag: Man
The Grey Man of Ben MacDhui mountain
In the Scottish Highlands lies a mountain where numerous have actually experienced a fear quite unlike anything else they have ever felt. As the fogs and mists roll all-around the cairns, they say there lurks…
Read More The Grey Man of Ben MacDhui mountainSlender Man
The Slender Man (also known as Slenderman) is a fictional supernatural character that originated as a creepypasta Internet meme created by Something Awful forums user Eric Knudsen (also known as “Victor Surge”) in 2009. He…
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The Piltdown Man was a paleoanthropological hoax in which bone fragments were presented as the fossilized remains of a previously unknown early human. In 2016, the results of an extensive scientific review established that amateur…
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