Man spots ‘ghost’ or ‘dogman’ sprint across garden in Bradenton, Florida

Estimated reading time: 0 minutes, 21 seconds

A terrified man slammed his front door shut after a dark ghost-like figure supposedly bolted through his garden, with the chilling moment caught in a Facebook Live stream.
The man, recording from his home in Bradenton, Florida, US, narrates to the camera that he has just seen something freaky in his garden and carefully pulls open his door to take another look.

UFOmania – The truth is out there
Jun 18, 2020

Posted on July 17, 2020

He has been interested in the paranormal since he was 11yrs old. He has had many experiences with both ghosts and UFO's and it has just solidified his beliefs. He set up this site to catalogue as much information about the paranormal in one location. He is the oldest of three and moved from the UK to the USA in 2001.

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