Mile Marker Bigfoot – Bigfoot’s Wilderness

Estimated reading time: 0 minutes, 26 seconds

Mile Marker Bigfoot-
For generations past and present, there have been dozens, if not hundreds of documented sightings of Bigfoot up and down the Appalachian Trail.
Virginia included. A father and son, who’ve and camped all their lives, encounter a creature and quickly have to use their natural instincts to avoid a deadly confrontation. Enjoy!

I thought the combination of the story and my latest walk in the woods might be a nice change and just what we could use right about now!

Bigfoot’s Wilderness
May 4, 2020

Posted on May 26, 2020

He has been interested in the paranormal since he was 11yrs old. He has had many experiences with both ghosts and UFO's and it has just solidified his beliefs. He set up this site to catalogue as much information about the paranormal in one location. He is the oldest of three and moved from the UK to the USA in 2001.

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