Two witnesses observe a Sasquatch at dusk

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes, 53 seconds

Report # 63860 (Class A)
Submitted by witness George Hixon on Tuesday, December 31, 2019.
Two witnesses observe a Sasquatch at dusk in the White River National Wildlife Refuge

YEAR: 1979
SEASON: Summer
DATE: 14th
STATE: Arkansas
COUNTY: Desha County
LOCATION DETAILS: 34.173758, -91.072666
NEAREST TOWN: Elaine, AR 10 miles away
NEAREST ROAD: Phillips Road 549, gravel road
OBSERVED: June 14th, 1979

I was traveling with a friend north about 30 mph on the White River levee gravel road in the White River NWR from a June fishing trip at Scrubgrass Lake in Desha County Arkansas.

It was dusk (8:00 PM ish) and had my vehicle headlights on but could have driven without them.

About one mile (34.173758 -91.072666) south of the White River NWR Pumping Station I saw an ape like human form walking upright and tilted slightly forward at a brisk pace up the right (east) side of the levy emerging up from tall grass.

The animal came into full view about 100 feet in front of the vehicle headlights.

It continued walking West upright across the two lane gravel road which is on top of the levee.

It was walking with a human like gait and swinging both arms and I estimated it to be seven feet tall.

It was covered in long dark reddish brown hair all over, from head to toe.

It had long arms, long legs, a neck and head.

I did not see the face and it appeared not to have noticed the vehicle we were in.

It didn’t take long for it to travel across the road and continue West down into the tall grass on the left side of the levee and disappear.

By the time I had slowed down it was out of sight.

The truck windows were open and as I passed through the path the it had take across the road there was a very very strong odor that smelled musty and putrid like a big cat exhibit in an older municipal zoo.


ALSO NOTICED: I did not stop. Continued driving North on levee road.
OTHER WITNESSES: One driver and one passenger.
ENVIRONMENT: On top of a large levee with a graded gravel road.

Follow-up investigation report by BFRO Investigator Carter Buschardt:

Report # 63860

Interviewed witness via phone. He recalled everything with clarity even though this was a 40 year old event. Right after the incident he wrote down the key points for later reference. He put the sheet in a drawer where it has remained all these years.

They were driving along the gravel levee road about 7:45 to 8pm. It was dusk. The creature emerged from below the levee road through some tall grass. There is a catch basin below the levee on the east side. The catch basin (ditch) is where they had dug up the dirt when they built the levee up years ago and it remains full of water most of the time, swampy and muddy.

The creature came up about 50 yards away at first, and as they were moving and it was walking. They eventually kept about a 100 ft distance between them as they were moving and it was walking. It never turned towards them and seemed “to know exactly where it was going, walked with purpose”.

As for the physical description and movement: “It was walking with a human like gait, arms swinging and leaning slightly forward”. “It had reddish brown hair, a neck and head”. “We could not determine head shape because there was so much hair”. There did appear to be a neck versus the head sitting on the shoulders according to him.

It crossed the road in front of them, still at about the 100 foot range. The width of the levee road is pretty typical size wise, about a two lane rural gravel road. As they slowed down to a crawl, to where it had walked down the opposite side of the levee, it was no longer visible through the brush. There was however, the “very strong odor that smelled musty and putrid like an old big cat exhibit at the old municipal zoo.”

They both agreed it was “at least 7ft. tall”. That was based on just knowing “it was bigger than a really tall man”.

He said “we weren’t drinking or anything like that”. Just two friends out driving around. He indicated he was going to reach out to his friend very soon and see if they can have a conversation about the event. They are both getting along in age, mid to late 60’s, and he said he would contact me after they connect.

Good guy, and good witness.

He has been interested in the paranormal since he was 11yrs old. He has had many experiences with both ghosts and UFO's and it has just solidified his beliefs. He set up this site to catalogue as much information about the paranormal in one location. He is the oldest of three and moved from the UK to the USA in 2001.